
This website does not employ the use of   'cookies'.

The only point at which we may collect personal information from our visitors is via a visitor's willing submission of information through our "Contact Us" webform.

This submitted information will NEVER be sold, rented, shared, leased, or otherwise made available to any third party, beyond the scope of processing the submitted request for information, and/or any resulting business transaction.

Every effort has been made to secure the transmission of this information, yet the user/submitter affirms, agrees, and understands the it is possible - however improbable - that any and all information that is transmitted over the internet could possibly be intercepted.

By submiting the afore-mentioned webform, the visitor or user affirms that this Privacy Policy/Terms of Use page has been read, deemed fully acceptable, and agreed to.

Apart from the exception noted above, no personally identifiable information about our visitors is collected or stored, beyond the normal usage of web-server logs. These logs are used for statistical purposes, research and development, and are available only internally.

Terms of Use

All scripts, logos, trademarks ™, and copyrights ©, used within the pages of this website are the property of their respective owners.

All other website design and graphics are copyright © 2004 by .

This website and the information contained herein are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind - neither expressed nor implied. In no event shall we be liable for any damages; including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use this website.

Any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy / Terms of Use statememt may be emailed to: